Monday, 13 February 2012

宏文学校华乐营 (Hong Wen School Chinese Orchestra Camp)

On the 28th November 2011 to 29th November 2011, the performing CO members took part in a 2D1N camp in school. The camp was organised in an attempt to:
  • Encourage students to form closer relationships with their ensemble members.
  • Foster a sense of belonging and pride amongst the members.
  • Instill lifelong values of teamwork and individual responsibilities
  • Build individual character, confidence and skills within the individual members, and to identify the potential leaders within the Orchestra.

Day 1 of camp:

Members were randomly assigned into groups to ensure that they mingle with the other members of the orchestra instead of talking only to their sectional group members. After they were all gathered at the assembly area, students were briefed on the safety rules and regulations of the camp, and a brief explanation of the programme was shared with them. Some ice-breaking activities were then carried out for the students to get to know each other better and to learn work together as a team.
Students were also given BINGO sheets to complete whenever they have a free moment or during lunch time. In order to obtain the teachers' signatures to complete the BINGO sheet, the different groups had to rack their brains to think of performances/ forfeits to carry out so as to convince the teachers to sign on their sheets for them. =)

After lunch, the members all launched a spring cleaning of the CO room! With all of the members working together and helping each other out, in almost no time at all, the CO room was transformed from a cluttered, dusty practice area to a clean, spacious and comfortable practice room!

With the room spick and span, the members then proceeded down to the hall to carry out the next team bonding game, which was relevant and important in teaching the members to keep their music stands in the correct manner. Before the activity, Ms Seet had demonstrated the correct manner to open up and to keep the music score. Students were then assigned about 7 music stands per group, and a competition commenced as to which group was able to open up and to keep the music stands in the safest, fastest and most efficient manner possible.  The members exhibited great teamwork and sportsmanship. In addition, even when all the other groups had kept their music scores, the last group showed high levels of perserverance in continuing to keep away the scores even when they knew that they had lost the game. Great job everyone! =D

As the day drew to a close, the CO members that were not staying overnight in school were dismissed while the others were sent to the toilets for their bath.

When everyone was ready, scavenger-hunt game sheets were distributed to each group to complete while they are having their dinner. Many of the groups managed to complete the game even before the end of dinner! And for dinner, we had.....


Our Principal, Mr Ngoh and Vice-principal, Mrs Sim, greatly honoured us with their presence as they took time off their busy schedules to join us for dinner. =D

After dinner, we watched the movie "How to train your Dragon", and all too soon, it was time for bed.

Day 2 of camp:

Students who were not staying overnight joined the rest of the members at 9 in the morning. When all the students were gathered, they proceeded to the hall for yet another team bonding activity. In this activity, they were to build the tallest possible structure within 15 minutes using only newspapers and masking tape. The CO members enthusiastically started experimenting around with their materials, and soon, several different structures were seen rising above the students' heads.

At the end of the activity, many different "skyscrapers" littered the area. =X

But yet, only one winner emerged.

The students enjoyed the game very much, and during the debrief session, they shared that through the activity, they have learnt that as they are building the structure, they have to ensure that the base is strong and sturdy, and that even if they have a strong base, if the top of the structure is too tall, the structure will still fall over. By applying that concept to their lives, they realized that in order to be an excellent orchestra, each member needs to ensure that they have the basic foundation/ ability to play, and also that even if there is a member within the orchestra who is an excellent player, the orchestra as a whole will still be unable to reach the peak of its potential because one person does not equate to a whole orchestra. Thus, teamwork and personal responsibility is essential if we want to be able to excel as an orchestra!!
Before they were dismissed for their practice session that afternoon, the CO members were given a debrief of the camp and prizes were awarded to the group that had shown the greatest teamwork and best behavior as a whole. Mr Chua also prepared some gifts for the students to bring home as a momento of the camp.

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